A selfie in the streets of Granada |
Only last week we openly asked ourselves
why and triggered a great response across our social platforms of choice, from instagram to
G+ and FB alike with lots of likes, shares, great comments and food for thought ...
From saving the world to just having fun ...
From exploring our roots to paving new roads ...
Talking about roots, I really enjoyed the guest post of Mike aka
Balakov this week here on StuckInPlastic (if you did not read it yet, go ahead and do
read it now).
Mike is one of my personal
dinosaurs (or should I say heroes) and I really like his work. He is most probably one of my key influences and single handed responsible for outing myself as a LEGO photographer.
While my rebellious plastic jacket once in a while wants to storm the barricades of injustices and protest for
freedom of speech or take a friendly stab at big Inc., I am far from the political passion and journalistic photography style you will find in the works of
pulup or
lynn to just name two.
A smile, a recognition, a warm feeling of childhood memories ... are for me key emotions I try to explore in a lot of my photographs as well.
When walking through the cobbled streets of Granada this week, aimlessly drifting through history and exploring the beautiful colours, light and tapas when taking a break from corporate air-conditioned meeting rooms, it was great to see how history determines our future and there is this ethernal search to beauty all around us.
From simple cobbled stones to
gargoyles alike.
We for sure have not answered the question of Why with a conclusive answer but key ingredients of the quest are for sure beauty, fun and emotion ...
Let's see what next week adds to our quest ...