Curious what one may find in the dungeons of Stuck In Plastic |
While Shelly shared the big news with you all on Friday about the very first Stuck In Plastic exhibition in March in Seattle (yes, I am even more stoked as her and very proud to be showing our work in her hometown) some of us have been working in the dungeons of Stuck In Plastic to make this little spot on the web that little bit more interactive and interesting for you.
A better blog with nicer visuals, more interaction and the possibility for you to interact with your own facebook or google account.
A spot where we can continue our blog, and explore the ins and outs of toy photography as an art. Explore what drives us in the why we shoot what shoot.
Continue to engage with artists, toy enthusiasts, collectors and connoisseurs of the fine art of shooting all things stuck in plastic.
Taking Stuck In Plastic to the next level.
Are you interested in taking a sneak peak at the next release of our blog and give some good feedback and poke some holes in the design ?
Go ahead and head over to our beta site at and let us know what you think ?
This is a beta site, so we are still testing a lot of the features, and may have to do a clean install before we move officially next weekend to our new home.