Saturday, March 8, 2014

Houston ...

Houston, we have a problem ...

It is not the first time we encounter a challenge in one of our adventures.
And most of the times it is just that.
An issue, a challenge, a something to overcome, a window of opportunity and almost never it turns into a problem (even when we ran out of fuel and had to make an emergency break on asteroid 99942 also known as Apophis we never really talked about a problem, we merely created great conversation for the latest edition of the hitchhikers guide of our galaxy).

Now, when the hard disks here in The Studio stopped spinning last Wednesday, and our main graphic systems went in a full meltdown we showed some signs of anxiety.

Would our backup strategy hold up, as it was a long time ago (read never) since we actually put the whole system under a disaster recovery test and now we were experiencing the real thing ...

When calling in the genius support troops they confirmed the hard disks were the single point of failure and needed to be swopped out (ouch).

We took the deep dive and with a straight face informed them to go ahead as we had full backups at hand both on site and in the cloud.  So a few hours later our main graphic system restarted and welcomed us with a fresh image asking to install from scratch or recover from a backup.

With sweaty hands (remember that first wedding shoot ?) we clicked the restore option and selected the last successful backup and the recovery process started ...

A good night sleep later, and we were welcomed with the smell of fresh coffee and a fully restored graphic system.

So, while Houston did not need to come to the rescue, disaster can strike and the last thing you want is that your digital images are lost for ever or your lightroom catalogue has gone to the digital happy hunting grounds ...

Do take a second to see how you make sure you have a digital copy of your images save for future generations to come.

Houston, over and out ...

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