Tuesday, March 18, 2014

How far is too far?

With the prevalence of filters and their relative ease of use, how far is too far?

Rarely do I jump at the bait of contests on IG, usually I'm too busy doing my own thing. But recently one caught my eye and I decided to try my hand. The parameters are pretty simple: create an image using Snapseed's HDR Scape filter. This is not a filter I ever use favoring a more natural look to my photos, but hey, trying new things is good! Right? So I present to you a before and after of one of the images I submitted. Personally I felt I had taken this image about as far as I could using this app, but I was informed by one of the judges I had not taken it to the "ludicrous" level. I laughed and told him I had! Maybe we just started at two different points on the editing spectrum.

Should I take my editing even farther? Where do you stop? Is this even a relevant discussion? 
I'm sure Me2 will have something witty to say.  

~ xxsjc 

1 comment:

  1. I love HDR and I believe it really are a lot of great questions ...
